We operate a TRIAGE system to streamline our service in order to be better able to prioritise your enquiry and deal with it more effectively. The TRIAGE system means we will look to deal with enquiries by telephone, e-mail, or video call where possible, and use face to face/appointments where the circumstances require it.
Telephone Call Back Service – 01324 666935
- You can make your call anytime and, if we cannot answer the phone, you can leave a message.
- After 7-rings your call will transfer automatically to our answer machine where you can leave contact and enquiry details with a view to us calling you back.
- You will receive your first call back normally within three working days. If you are not available when we call, we will make a further two attempts over separate days.
- Messages are checked daily (except weekends).
- If there is a genuine urgency &/or timelimit issue, please say so and we will try prioritise your enquiry.
E-mail Service – adviser@grangemouthcab.casonline.org.uk
- Can be sent at any time.
- All e-mails are checked daily (except weekends).
- Please provide your contact and enquiry details, though be aware it is likely we will have to get back to you for further information.
- We aim to reply within three working days.
Appointments & Triage Drop-in
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9.30am - 3.30pm.
- You will be asked for your contact and enquiry details. This helps us assess how best to deal with your enquiry and either see you there and then, arrange an appointment, or arrange a telephone call back.
- Every effort will be made to deal with your enquiry as quickly as we can.
We will provide an appointment if your enquiry requires one, and after initial discussion with an adviser.
Document drop-off
If you need to hand in any documents please do so Mon to Thurs between 9.30am and 3.00pm.
Alternative advice numbers:
Advice Direct Scotland for consumer advice - 0808 164 6000
Shelter for housing advice - 0808 800 4444
ACAS for employment advice - 0300 123 1100
Universal Credit Help to Claim service - 0800 328 5644
Visit Advice for Scotland website or the Money Map Tool for detailed information on a wide range of topics, including guidance on benefits, debt, money, work, housing and much more.